From the visible…  to the INvisible… 


Earthgate is a mystical town not yet on the map, and the only way one can find its whereabouts is when an Aborigine Wise Woman appears in Dream-time. Her name is Yhi (pronounced Y-he), meaning the Goddess of Life & Creation. She is the guardian of Mother Earth’s Seed Magic. When she introduces a quirky scientist to the Magic found withIN the Seed of any Creation, he discovers the missing ingredient in his experiments using Mother Earth’s natural resources.


The Town of Earthgate ~ A Heart Centered Global Comm-Unity

Heartgate completes this trilogy, when the mystic, Yhi (Y-he) invites the alchemical scientist to come to the evening campfire next to her Sacred Garden in Earthgate. Meeting her there, she takes him on an inner journey, ‘INside of CREATION,’ where they meet up with the Shape-Shifting Giant of the Heavens, who escorts them to Electro-land. Propelled into a dark wormhole, the scientist finds himself in the underworld of the heart where he encounters his anger, hurt, sadness and fear. Seeing through ‘the world of appearances,’ he experiences what it is like to be akin to a physical letter floating around in the broth of a ‘Cosmic Alphabet Soup’.When he decides to rest inside of the letter ‘O,’ he discovers the ‘SILENCE’ that will take him through ‘The Doorway To Everything.”  BEing…INside of… CREATION brings him back Home in Communion with his-Self, where he ‘Awakens’ to Experience, first hand, the ‘Real Magic’ that springs LIFE into any Seed of Creation.

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